► Be the cat’s whiskers/pajamas (informal)
To be the best thing, person, idea, etc.
● He thinks he’s the cat’s whiskers (= he has a high opinion of himself).
► Raining cats and dogs (informal)
To be raining heavily.
► (Has the) cat got your tongue? (informal)
Said to somebody, especially a child, who stays silent when expected to speak, for example after being asked a question.
● What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?
► Curiosity killed the cat (saying)
Used to tell somebody not to ask questions or try to find out about things that do not concern them.
► Let the cat out of the bag
To tell a secret carelessly or by mistake. I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
● I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
► Like a cat on hot bricks (British English)
Very nervous.
● She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
► Like a cat that’s got the cream (British English)
Very pleased with yourself.
● She looked like a cat that’s got the cream. She was almost purring with pleasure.
► Like herding cats (informal)
Used to describe a very difficult task, especially one that involves organizing people.
● Managing a political party is a lot like herding cats.
► Look like something the cat brought/dragged in (informal)
A person that looks look dirty and untidy.
► No room to swing a cat (informal)
When somebody says there’s no room to swing a cat, they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space.
► Not have/stand a cat in hell’s chance (of doing something)
To have no chance at all.
► Play (a game of) cat and mouse with somebody, play a cat-and-mouse game with somebody
To play a cruel game with somebody in your power by changing your behavior very often, so that they become nervous and do not know what to expect.
● He thought the police were playing some elaborate game of cat and mouse and waiting to trap him.
► Put/set the cat among the pigeons (British English)
To say or do something that is likely to cause trouble.
● Then she told them she was dropping out of college. That really set the cat among the pigeons.
► There’s more than one way to skin a cat (saying, humorous)
There are many different ways to achieve something.
► When the cat’s away the mice will play (saying)
People enjoy themselves more and behave with greater freedom when the person in charge of them is not there.
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